No 11 “ControverSea” June 24 2014
Cover by Jason Isley/Scubazoo
Diving is generally a happy-go-lucky activity; depending on where you are, it’s all sunshine and beaches, or rugged adventuring in the high seas. But this sport can also raise serious, thought provoking questions that touch on morality, environmental responsibility and even politics.
We decided it was time to face some of the most contentious subjects in the world of scuba, head on. We’re also being a bit controversial ourselves, taking liberties, mixing it up, and, for one issue, departing from our usual format to bring you excursions into the realms of ideas rather than exclusively into the realms of “place”.
One of the most divisive issues in the industry is that of baited shark dives where sharks are fed or lured in with chum. We have gathered opinions from experts and shark enthusiasts from the world, and even Pierre Cousteau has weighed in.
We shine a light on the issues surrounding diving gravesites, and consider a dive on one of Egypt’s most controversial wrecks, the Salem Express. We linger in the Middle East with a look at the beautiful seascapes of Israel’s Eilat, and speculate whether a country’s politics or policies should affect your decision to dive it.
Pushing the difficult questions even further, we find out if you really do need an SLR, and we challenge you to determine just how far it’s ok to go in pursuit of your next great shot. We get extreme with Photoshop, giving you a software tutorial that will have the purists up in arms… literally…
Are you ready to get controversial?
Matt Weiss (Americas)
Alice Grainger (Asia-Pacific and Australia)
Dietmar W. Fuchs (Europe & Africa)
Photo Briefs
Does this reviled echinoderm deserve its not-so-holy reputation?