Created by Asian Geographic in association with DivePhotoGuide (DPG), Scuba Diver OCEAN PLANET (SDOP) is a multifaceted magazine for divers that combines the best of the worlds of underwater photography and videography with the coolest travel and lifestyle content specially aimed at lovers of the ocean.

An evolution of Scuba Diver THROUGH THE LENS (SDTTL), SDOP contains a special section called THROUGH THE LENS, which is dedicated to photo/video techniques, with advice and insight from the experts. The magazine also contains inspiring sections designed to motivate you to make creative and meaningful connections with our ocean planet.

The Editor of SDOP is Gill McDonald, and the Associate Editor is Ian Bongso-Seldrup, Managing Editor of DPG.

SDOP brings together three regional editors: Matt Weiss, Publisher and Editor of DPG, who covers the Americas; Dietmar W. Fuchs, Publisher and Editor of Edition Fifty Fathoms, who handles Europe and Africa; and Sue Crowe, who tackles Australia and New Zealand.

SDOP is published quarterly in Singapore and distributed internationally. A member of UW360, SDOP is the official publication of The Hans Hass Fifty Fathoms Award.